I have a few hundred files which all contain variations of the same class, 'Process'. My intention is to make each class a derived class of some base clase 'BaseProcess'. Every file has been manually renames to something like 'Process_XXX' and I am trying to find a way of going through every file and changing every occurrence of, for example:
class Process {
class Process_XXX : public BaseProcess {
where XXX is taken from the particular file being changed. Is this possible using Bash or Perl scripting? Or is it best to proceed manually? Cheers Jack
I'll add an answer taking into account the file extensions (adding the changes I suggested to the answer by fedorqui) as well as improvements from DVK's answer:
for SUFFIX in cc h java txt; do
for file in *.$ext; do
sed -i.bak "s#^\\(\\s*class\\s\\+Process\\)\\(\\s*{\\)#\\1_${file/%.$SUFFIX} : public BaseProcess\2#g" $file
An example of the pattern is s#^\(\s*class\s\+Process\)\(\s*{\)#\1_AlertGenerator : public BaseProcess\2#g
with the XXX
being AlertGenerator
. I'm using the two \(...\)
to extract the matches and use them in the replacement pattern as \1
and \2
(called back references
in info sed
If files are in the same dir and have a same pattern name like file
, this can make it:
for file in file*
sed -i.bk "s/Process/Process_$file : public BaseProcess/g" $file
Note that with -i.bk
a backup file $file.bk
will be created.
Tested successfully with three files: file1, file2, file3.
perl -pi.bak -e \
's#^\s*class Process {#class Process : public BaseProcess_$ARGV {#g;' \
mv *.bak /your/backup/directory
This is similar to SED's solution (part of Perl's roots are in sed :) but the benefit is that it can be easily extended if more complicated tasks are needed. E.g. if your files are in various sub-directories, you can use Perl's File::Find
; or you can rename the files if needed.