JAVAHL (JNI) Not available

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-04 02:53:33


Windows 7 64 Bits, Eclipse Indigo, SlickSVN 1.6.17 all installed with path to the libraries entered in windows.

Why do I get the message JAVAHL (JNI) Not available and why does eclipse not load these libraries?


Have you tried installing SilkSVN as suggested on the subclipse official FAQ? Then on Eclipse/MyEclipse go to Window>Preferences>Team>SVN Change the client to SVNKit v1.XXX.

That did the trick for me.


Did you close down Eclipse before running the SlikSVN 64 bit installation?

I had the same issue initially. Close Eclipse, rerun the SlikSVN install, choose Repair Installation. Once complete, open Eclipse, and then you should have the "JavaHL Slik SVN" option under Window/Preferences/team/SVN


I had the same issue. It turns out that the FAQ is helpful indeed, because:

As of the Subclipse 1.8.x releases, native 64-bit Windows binaries are included with Subclipse so it includes everything you need. For earlier releases of Subclipse follow these instructions:

If you are using a 32-bit JVM, then Subclipse should just work. If you use a 64-bit JVM then you need to provide a 64-bit version of JavaHL. One such distribution is SlikSVN which you can get here:

With that package installed, Subclipse should find JavaHL on PATH and just work.

The key here is the PATH variable. In my case I had another svn client installed that came before in the path. When I changed to C:\Program Files\SlikSvn\bin\ be the first folder in the variable, all worked.


Now I can find "JavaHl Slik SVN" under SVN Interface. The solution was to uninstall Subclipse and to reinstall it. When reinstalling Subclipse, I removed the check on "javahl client adapter (required)" (or similar).


1) Uninstall existing subclipse plugin:

Uninstall subclipse

2) Download these three files:


3) Install them manually one by one by following theses instructions:

Ω) If not suitable in your case:

Install this: (works with eclipse 2019-06)

