

允我心安 提交于 2020-08-17 03:53:52
问题: How can you make the experience with Eclipse faster? 如何使Eclipse体验更快? For instance: I disable all the plugins I don't need (Mylyn, Subclipse, …). 例如: 我禁用了所有不需要的插件(Mylyn,Subclipse等)。 Instead of using a plugin for Mercurial , I configure TortoiseHG as an external tool. 我没有使用 Mercurial 插件,而是将 TortoiseHG 配置为外部工具。 解决方案: 参考一:您如何加速Eclipse 参考二: 来源: oschina 链接:


空扰寡人 提交于 2020-08-06 02:47:45
Eclipse在线安装SVN 一、SVN在线安装   下面为在线安装SVN插件。以下是在线安装步骤:         其中是最新版本的SVN插件的下载站点【subclipse是Eclipse的SVN插件】。      点击【Finish】按钮开始安装SVN插件      安装过程中弹出如下的警告框,不用理会,直接点击【OK】按钮继续安装         安装完成之后需要重启Eclipse,点击【Yes】按钮重启Eclipse即可。 二、查看安装好的SVN         到此,我们的SVN插件就算是安装成功了。 来源: oschina 链接:

Eclipse,Subclipse和Subversive的SVN插件的优缺点是什么? [关闭]

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-08-05 00:49:50
问题: SVN in Eclipse is spread into two camps. Eclipse中的SVN分为两个阵营。 The SVN people have developed a plugin called Subclipse . SVN人开发了一个名为 Subclipse 的插件。 The Eclipse people have a plugin called Subversive . Eclipse人员有一个名为 Subversive 的插件。 Broadly speaking they both do the same things. 从广义上讲,他们都做同样的事情。 What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? 各有哪些优缺点? 解决方案: 参考一:和Subversive的SVN插件的优缺点是什么-关闭 参考二: 来源: oschina 链接: https://my


只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-08-04 17:11:09
2020了,当我们打开 一个大大的404 Not Found The site will be decommissioned and shut down on 1-July-2020 该网站已经不再运营了,以前那么欲仙欲死的安装方式得换一下。 传统的plugin安装,笔者感觉不稳定,有时候有,有时候加载不出来,菜单都木有了。 献上新地址:(打开后选择最新版本,点击一下。然后通过eclipse的help - install new software进行安装) 来源: oschina 链接:


落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-02-29 01:04:20
eclipse是一个非常好用的IDE,通常来说我们都用eclipse来开发JAVA程序,为了让开发python、shell等脚本也能在eclipse上运行,出现了很多相关的插件: python:pydev shell:shelled svn:Subclipse PHP:PDT 使用eclipse过程中可以多搜一搜网上的插件,有些能大幅提高开发效率,本文以开发linux环境下的python、shell脚本为背景,安装了eclipse并在其上装上了开发python、shell、svn插件,其中shell插件可以指定shell解释器,这样就能在windows下的eclispe中直接运行shell程序。 一、下载并安装jdk 地址: 由于我是64位机器,所以下载了X64的JDK 二、安装JAVA、python、shell开发利器eclipse 使用 Eclipse Standard 4.3 即可 地址: 打开eclipse,设定JDK地址: 三、安装开发python的eclipse插件pydev 地址: 输入pydev的可用更新站地址: 优先: http:


白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-02-19 13:36:32
安装前先看看你的eclipse的版本,我这里是4.5.1的版本,安装Subclipse的下载链接选 是没有问题的. 1>首先打开eclipse(注意:最好是工作空间为空,不然会安装到后面会报出"引入项目出错") --> Help --> Install New Software 2>Name:SVN Location: 3>点击ok之后这里需要等待一会才能出现如下界面. 4>这里finish之后依然需要等待,而且时间比较长,期间出现一些提示性的直接ok或yes就可以了 5>依照以上步骤没出现什么问题,那就应该是安装成功了,当然你可以进行查看: Windows-->show view -->other -->输入svn ,显示如下图你就真的安装成功了 来源:

Subclipse: how to keep a branch in sync?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-24 16:59:44
问题 ¿How would I do the operation described here, which is very simple from the command line, with the subclipse plugin? I think I would make sure that my working copy is in sync with the branch, then I would go to "Merge...". I'm not sure what to do in the popup! Edit: I have read somewhere that in the popup I must indicate the merge range as a range of trunk revisions: from the revision where the branch was opened, to HEAD. Makes sense. But I'm trying this out now with a test project and I don

Prevent commiting files to SVN with warnings using eclipse

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-14 12:33:17
问题 I have a big Java project with thousands of compilation warnings. I would like to find a way to prevent developers commiting files with warnings, so gradually all warnings would disappear. If I commit a file with compilation error Eclipse displays an error message, but I couldnt find any way to do the same with warnings. The closest thing I found was The Commit warning checker but that is not really integrated into the commit process, it just provides a

How to deal best with SVN and local changes, that should not be committed?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-13 13:12:41
问题 I have checked out some projects from SVN repository. To build those projects I have to adjust some configurations (e.g. the classpath and property files) to fit the local enviroment. Now I don't want to commit those changes to the repository. So setting an svn:ignore may help. But what if I want to get updates from the repository without committing those files? Is there any option that allows me to get updates and prevents me from committing? Or what is the best way to deal with local

How to deal best with SVN and local changes, that should not be committed?

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-13 13:12:32
问题 I have checked out some projects from SVN repository. To build those projects I have to adjust some configurations (e.g. the classpath and property files) to fit the local enviroment. Now I don't want to commit those changes to the repository. So setting an svn:ignore may help. But what if I want to get updates from the repository without committing those files? Is there any option that allows me to get updates and prevents me from committing? Or what is the best way to deal with local