Possible Duplicate:
Add page to active admin
I currently looking to a solution for adding a controller without a model to the admin generate by ActiveAdmin (and Rails 3.1). Of course I'd like to add a new menu in the navbar.
Using ActiveAdmin.register MyControllerWithoutModel do
isn't working.
Edit : This question is a duplicate of Add page to active admin but no answer found.
This is what worked for me, just substitute the right name for ViewLogger in the codeblocks. This way you wont have to create a dummy table in your database.
Make a file /app/models/viewlogger.rb with this contents, for more advanced tableless models you might want to check out http://keithmcdonnell.net/activerecord_tableless_model_gem.html or google your own insight together.
class Viewlogger < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.columns
@columns ||= []
# ...
add an entry to /config/initializers/inflections.rb
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.uncountable %w( viewlogger )
set up a route for your viewlogger, in config/routes.rb:
match '/admin/viewlogger' => 'admin/viewlogger#index', :as => :admin_viewlogger
now you can formulate the activeadmin register block as follows (make you sure you create a view partial in the right place)
ActiveAdmin.register Viewlogger do
config.comments = false
before_filter do @skip_sidebar = true end
# menu false
config.clear_action_items! # this will prevent the 'new button' showing up
controller do
def index
# some hopefully useful code
render 'admin/viewlogger/index', :layout => 'active_admin'
I was looking for this to edit application configuration, but it seams that without model it is impossible. I just created empty model with table in db and register the resource as usual.
To customize resource:
disable filters
custom menu path
ActiveAdmin.application.namespaces[:admin].resources['Configuration'].namespace.menu.items.each{|i| i.instance_eval('@cached_url[:admin_configurations_path] = "/admin"')}