Generic Servlet to JSP Mapping

你。 提交于 2020-01-03 06:50:38


I have a web app with many JSP files and want to remove the .jsp extensions from displaying in the URL without having to map each servlet to a similar page name. To do this I would like to redirect all servlets to a JSP file in a generic manner such as mapping /Login to /Login.jsp.
I mapped all servlets to a filter as below. This works with respect to redirections to *.jsp except the end result is a blank page with the URL still containing the .jsp extension.



public class PageName extends HttpServlet
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
        String uri = request.getRequestURI();

        if (!uri.endsWith(".jsp"))
            String newPage = uri + ".jsp";

            RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(newPage);
            dispatcher.forward(request, response);
            // Here when we have a full URL (ie: /Login.jsp)

            // ??? WHAT TO DO HERE ???


I was able to get this working by automating the servlet mapping. So it comes down to running a script and a cut/past of the mappings into Web.xml. This script (windows cmd) generates a file named servletmap.xml with the mappings to include.

@echo off

set outFile=servletmap.xml

echo. > %outFile%

for /f %%i in ('dir ..\WebContent\*.jsp /b') do (

echo %%~ni

echo   ^<servlet^> >> %outFile%
echo     ^<servlet-name^>%%~ni^</servlet-name^> >> %outFile%
echo     ^<jsp-file^>/%%i^</jsp-file^> >> %outFile%
echo   ^</servlet^> >> %outFile%
echo   ^<servlet-mapping^> >> %outFile%
echo     ^<servlet-name^>%%~ni^</servlet-name^> >> %outFile%
echo     ^<url-pattern^>/%%~ni^</url-pattern^> >> %outFile%
echo   ^</servlet-mapping^> >> %outFile%

echo. >> %outFile%
echo. >> %outFile%


I finally did this dynamically without servlet mappings using tuckey's urlrewrite. See the SO post here urlrewrite example

