Two actions I would like to do on Windows 7:
- update code on the server;
- validate the code.
In order to do (1) I've created GAU update.sublime-build file with the following text:
"cmd": ["appcfg.py --oauth2 --insecure --skip_sdk_update_check update", "$project_path"],
"path": "d:/Work/GAE/",
"encoding": "cp1251",
"shell": true
But I am getting the following error:
ERROR appcfg.py:2161 An error occurred processing file '': HTTP Error 302: Found Unexpected redirect to https://appengine.google.com/api/appversion/getresourcelimits?version=1&app_id=myappid. Aborting.
How to fix it? I've also tried this code, but it doesn't ask the password.
And I am not sure how to do task (2).