Apache FOP: How to set base URL for accessing external resource using relative path

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-02 21:59:35


In my .xsl file I am using external graphics like this
<fo:external-graphic width="90pt" height="29pt" src="url(xsl/logo.jpg)"/>

But image is not getting loaded in the generated PDF and I get this error in console.
[ERROR] Error while creating area : Error with image URL: xsl\logo.jpg (The system cannotfind the path specified) and no base URL is specified

How do I solve this issue? I guess setting the base URL will do. But how to set the base URL? Please help.


I got a solution from this link

set base dir using Java code

ServletContext servletContext = getServletConfig().getServletContext();

String appPath = servletContext.getRealPath(""); //root of web app

This worked for me.
Please post if you know any better solution.


I am using Apache FOP 1.1 Ver.

    fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance();
    // for image base URL : images from Resource path of project
    String serverPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
    // for fonts base URL :  .ttf from Resource path of project

I added all images and required font font files in resource director of my project. It is working fine for me. Thank you


I had the same problem and this only works for me in the version 0.95 of fop. SetBaseUrl is ignored in version 1.0


Solution for versions 1.0, 1.1 : In fop 1.0 and 1.1 method setBaseURL() does not work correctly with local files, so you can use method setURIResolveri and write your implementation of interface URIResolver.

1.Add in uses import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;

2.Add in mainClass

 private static class LocalResolver implements URIResolver {
         private String BaseFolder; 
            public Source resolve(String href, String base) throws TransformerException {
             File f = new File(BaseFolder + "\\" + href);
             if (f.exists())
             return new StreamSource(f);
                      throw new TransformerException("File " + f.getAbsolutePath() +" not found!");         

         public LocalResolver(String BaseFolder) {
           this.BaseFolder = BaseFolder;   


Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, out);

3.Add before call transformer.transform(src, res) this:

fop.getUserAgent().setURIResolver(new LocalResolver("C:\\Users\\photon\\Downloads\\fop-1.1-bin\\fop-1.1"));

