How to display higher-res thumbnails on Blogger

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-01 19:17:10


All this time I've been using <img expr:src='data:post.thumbnailUrl'/> to display thumbnails on my homepage, which outputs a 72x72 square image originally made for mobile browsing. I then use jquery to scale the image from 72-c to s300. I wonder if there's a different approach to get a thumbnail without using js.

The new set of templates released by Blogger can output a thumbnail size available in 32, 64, 128 and 256 px using data:post.featuredImage. How can I apply this to custom templates?


Utilize the resizeImage operator to change image size without JavaScript. The code will look like -

<img expr:src='resizeImage(data:post.thumbnailUrl, 1600)'/> 

resizeImage(imageUrl, newSize, optionalRatio)

The resizeImage operator takes 3 parameters:

imageUrl - The original URL of the resizable image.
newSize - The new width of the image
(optional) ratio - The integer ratio of width to height for the resized image, e.g. “1:1” or “4:3”


If the imageUrl parameter is not a resizable image, the resizeImage function will return the original imageUrl.
The ratio must be integer numbers.
If the ratio is provided, the image will be cropped to those exact dimensions.

