How to grab streaming data from twitter connect with pycurl using nltk - regular expression

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-01 19:05:12


I am newbie in Python and given a task from my boss to do this :

  1. Grab streaming data from twitter connect with pycurl and output in JSON
  2. Parsing using NLTK and Regular Expression
  3. Save it to database file(mySQL) or file base(txt)

Note : this is the url that i want to grab ('')

Is there anyone know how to grab a streaming data from twitter using the step above ?

Your help would be very grateful :)


I would look at pattern: it's a very nice web mining library, and it comes with a Twitter mining api as well. The documentation is pretty good too.

Otherwise, look at for twitter libraries, and getting the stream should be pretty straightforward too.

