I have to development an QR Generator in Cocoa. but currently I was used QR Library for iPhone and ported to Cocoa by me. but just found many bugs since iPhone version in Generator Algorithm.
then, Is there any QR Encoding Library in Cocoa ?
I've mostly only seen Objective-C libraries that read various code types. Don't forget, though, that Objective-C is a superset of C ...
I ported the Psytec C++ encoder to Objective-C. The project is at http://myang-git.github.com/QR-Code-Encoder-for-Objective-C. The library outputs the encoding result to a data matrix, which can be further rendered to an UIImage. Take a look!
I find a validate ios QRCode encoder demo Cocoachina bbs has a demo could run and reference~~ link:http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid=15119&page=e&#a
QRCode reader could go to use ZXing,its powerful I think