I've been using Avaje.org ebean ORM layer for a while, but I don't understand how to enable the byte-code enhancement functionality described in the "Ebean v2.6.0 User Guide" with Maven.
I found a configuration example on the Avaje.org homepage, but it doesn't work. Neither does the demo Maven boilerplate on GitHub.
EBeans now has its own Maven Plugin, but I can't find any documentation online, so here is an example of how to use it:
With Eclipse
If you use Eclipse, you will want to make sure it runs the plugin when needed, like this:
<!-- plugins here -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
This answer is for a very old version of EBeans, please disregard it.
Original Content
The example on the Avaje page has some mistakes.
- The tag is incorrect: 'process-ebean-enhancement' is not a Maven lifecycle, so the plugin in the example configuration won't run correctly. The correct phase is 'process-classes'.
- The 'classSource' parameter is incorrect. As configured, the ebean plugin would enhance @Entity clases in your test code, rather than you production code. The correct value is '${project.build.outputDirectory}'.
- Make sure to update the package-space for your project. This is 'com.mycompany.**' in the example below.
The complete config should be:
<property name="compile_classpath" refid="maven.compile.classpath" />
message="Ebean enhancing test classes debug level -----------------------------------" />
<echo message="Classpath: ${compile_classpath}" />
<taskdef name="ebeanEnhance" classname="com.avaje.ebean.enhance.ant.AntEnhanceTask"
classpath="${compile_classpath}" />
<ebeanEnhance classSource="${project.build.outputDirectory}"
packages="com.mycompany.**" transformArgs="debug=1" />
This will enhance all of the @Entity classes in the "src/main/java/com/mycompany" and below.
You can improve execution time by being more restrictive on the packages to examine.
Also, you may need to duplicate this config if you do need to enhance test classes. In that case, use the 'proces-test-classes' phase for a second block.
JBCP's answer is for old ebean version (org.avaje.ebeanorm
). For newer version (io.ebean
) you need to change to ebean-maven-plugin
Note: ebean plugin version should be the same as ebean version.
Reference: Maven Repo, Github