TypeScript type ignore case

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-01-01 08:47:35


I have this type definition in TypeScript:

export type xhrTypes = "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "OPTIONS" | "CONNECT" | "HEAD";

Sadly, this is case sensitive...is there any way to define it case insensitive?



Just so there's an answer on this post: No, it is not possible.

Update 5/15/2018: Still not possible. The closest thing, regex-validated string types, was not well-received the most recent time it was proposed at the language design meeting.


As @RyanCavanaugh said, TypeScript doesn't have case-insensitive string literals. [EDIT: I am reminded that there is an existing suggestion for TypeScript to support regexp-validated string literals, which would maybe allow for this, but it is not currently part of the language.]

The only workaround I can think of is to enumerate the most likely variants of those literals (say, all lowercase, init cap) and make a function that can translate between them if needed:

namespace XhrTypes {
  function m<T, K extends string, V extends string>(
    t: T, ks: K[], v: V
  ): T & Record<K | V, V> {
    (t as any)[v] = v;
    ks.forEach(k => (t as any)[k] = v);
    return t as any;
  function id<T>(t: T): { [K in keyof T]: T[K] } {
    return t;
  const mapping = id(m(m(m(m(m(m(m({},
    ["get", "Get"], "GET"), ["post", "Post"], "POST"),
    ["put", "Put"], "PUT"), ["delete", "Delete"], "DELETE"),
    ["options", "Options"], "OPTIONS"), ["connect", "Connect"], "CONNECT"),
    ["head", "Head"], "HEAD"));      

  export type Insensitive = keyof typeof mapping
  type ForwardMapping<I extends Insensitive> = typeof mapping[I];

  export type Sensitive = ForwardMapping<Insensitive>;     
  type ReverseMapping<S extends Sensitive> = 
    {[K in Insensitive]: ForwardMapping<K> extends S ? K : never}[Insensitive];

  export function toSensitive<K extends Insensitive>(
    k: K ): ForwardMapping<K> {
    return mapping[k];

  export function matches<K extends Insensitive, L extends Insensitive>(
    k: K, l: L ): k is K & ReverseMapping<ForwardMapping<L>> {
    return toSensitive(k) === toSensitive(l);

What ends up getting exported is the following types:

type XhrTypes.Sensitive = "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | 

type XhrTypes.Insensitive = "get" | "Get" | "GET" | 
  "post" | "Post" | "POST" | "put" | "Put" | "PUT" | 
  "delete" | "Delete" | "DELETE" | "options" | "Options" |
  "OPTIONS" | "connect" | "Connect" | "CONNECT" | "head" | 
  "Head" | "HEAD"

and the functions

 function XhrTypes.toSensitive(k: XhrTypes.Insensitive): XhrTypes.Sensitive;

 function XhrTypes.matches(k: XhrTypes.Insensitive, l: XhrTypes.Insensitive): boolean;

I'm not sure what you (@Knu) need this for or how you plan to use it, but I'm imagining that you want to convert between sensitive/insensitive methods, or check to see if two case-insensitive methods are a match. Obviously you can do those at runtime by just converting to uppercase or doing a case-insensitive compare, but at compile time the above types may be useful.

Here's an example of using it:

interface HttpStuff {
  url: string,
  method: XhrTypes.Insensitive,
  body?: any
const httpStuff: HttpStuff = {
  url: "https://google.com",
  method: "get"

interface StrictHttpStuff {
  url: string,
  method: XhrTypes.Sensitive,
  body?: any
declare function needStrictHttpStuff(httpStuff: StrictHttpStuff): Promise<{}>;

needStrictHttpStuff(httpStuff); // error, bad method

   url: httpStuff.url, 
   method: XhrTypes.toSensitive(httpStuff.method) 
  }); // okay

In the above, there's a function that expects uppercase values, but you can safely pass it a case insensitive value if you use XhrTypes.toSensitive() first, and the compiler verifies that "get" is an acceptable variant of "GET" in this case.

Okay, hope that helps. Good luck.


While not the types that were asked for, if an enum would be okay then the following can be used for case-insensitive matching of enum string values:

 * Gets an enumeration given a case-insensitive key. For a numeric enum this uses
 * its members' names; for a string enum this searches the specific string values.
 * Logs a warning if the letter case was ignored to find a match, and logs an error
 * including the supported values if no match was found.
static toEnumIgnoreCase<T>(target: T, caseInsentiveKey: string): T[keyof T] {
    const needle = caseInsentiveKey.toLowerCase();

    // If the enum Object does not have a key "0", then assume a string enum
    const key = Object.keys(target)
      .find(k => (target['0'] ? k : target[k]).toLowerCase() === needle);

    if (!key) {
        const expected = Object.keys(target)
          .map(k => target['0'] ? k : target[k])
          .filter(k => isNaN(Number.parseInt(k)))
          .join(', ');
        console.error(`Could not map '${caseInsentiveKey}' to values ${expected}`);
        return undefined;

    const name = target['0'] ? key : target[key];
    if (name !== caseInsentiveKey) {
        console.warn(`Ignored case to map ${caseInsentiveKey} to value ${name}`);

    return target[key];

Of course, as this loops over possible values, it's really only meant to handle things like configuration files; all code should really use the enum values instead.

Some tests:

import Spy = jasmine.Spy;
import {ConfigHelper} from './config-helper';

// Should match on One, one, ONE and all:
enum NumberEnum { One, Two, Three }

// Should match on Uno, uno, UNO and all, but NOT on One, one, ONE and all:
enum StringEnum { One = 'Uno', Two = 'Dos', Three = 'Tres' }

describe('toEnumIgnoreCase', () => {

    beforeEach(function () {
        spyOn(console, 'warn');
        spyOn(console, 'error');

    it('should find exact match for numeric enum', () => {
        const result = ConfigHelper.toEnumIgnoreCase(NumberEnum, 'One');
    it('should find case-insensitive match for numeric enum', () => {
        const result = ConfigHelper.toEnumIgnoreCase(NumberEnum, 'two');
        expect((console.warn as Spy).calls.mostRecent().args[0])
          .toMatch(/value Two/);
    it('should yield undefined for non-match for numeric enum', () => {
        const result = ConfigHelper.toEnumIgnoreCase(NumberEnum, 'none');
        expect((console.error as Spy).calls.mostRecent().args[0])
          .toMatch(/values One, Two, Three/);

    it('should find exact match for string enum', () => {
        const result = ConfigHelper.toEnumIgnoreCase(StringEnum, 'Uno');
    it('should find case-insensitive match for string enum', () => {
        const result = ConfigHelper.toEnumIgnoreCase(StringEnum, 'dos');
        expect((console.warn as Spy).calls.mostRecent().args[0])
          .toMatch(/value Dos/);
    it('should yield undefined for name rather than string value', () => {
        const result = ConfigHelper.toEnumIgnoreCase(StringEnum, 'One');
        expect((console.error as Spy).calls.mostRecent().args[0])
          .toMatch(/values Uno, Dos, Tres/);
    it('should yield undefined for non-match for string enum', () => {
        const result = ConfigHelper.toEnumIgnoreCase(StringEnum, 'none');
        expect((console.error as Spy).calls.mostRecent().args[0])
          .toMatch(/values Uno, Dos, Tres/);

