I am trying to use jQuery with browserify with the module jquery-browserify. I required the module in my client.js script as such:
var $ = require('jquery-browserify');
and when I run my node server, after i've ran browserify, i get a "window is not defined" error. What am I doing wrong?
jQuery is now CommonJS compliant, as of version 2.1.0
Browserify can process CommonJS modules as well as AMD modules with the deamdify
transform so now there should be no need to use a shim.
To be clear I only noticed AMD support in JQuery 2.0.0
jQuery was not CommonJS compliant, i.e. it didn't export itself via module.exports = $
until 2.1.0
Therefore you needed to shim it via browserify-shim.
will shim any version of jquery or any other non-CommonJS library like Zepto on the fly.
Details on how to set this up are included in the readme.
As an alternative you could have also used jquery-browserify, but then you would be tied to the jQuery version that this module made CommonJS compliant.