I have a Mex-function, say myfunction.mexmaci64
(which is the correct ending on OS X).
Now, myfunction is linked against a library mylibrary.dylib
. Both, mex-file and library, reside in the same folder.
Now, whenever I change something in mylibrary
, MATLAB does not reload the new library version but instead uses the old one until I do restart MATLAB. That is very anoing when doing development and debugging work.
Is there a way to force MATLAB to reload the library without restarting the application?
Note: It would be easy to link the library statically into the mex function. However, as I link the same library across quite a few mex-files, I would prefer to keep my single shared library to reduce compilation times and data redundancy.
Concerning the discussion wether the clear mex
[~, loaded_mexes] = inmem('-completenames'); % get canonica
returns a list with all loaded mex-files. This list does not contain the linked library, but only the mex-files itself. Using clear mex
successfully empties this list, but does not unload mylibrary
- running the mex function again still yields the same output as it did with the old shared library.
To clear a library from memory I usually have excellent luck with
bdclose all;
Then if I'm really feeling militant, I'll do:
bdclose all; % clear all libraries out of memory ( supposedly )
clear all; % clear all workspace variables, mex, etc. ( supposedly )
rehash; % cause all .m files to be reparsed when invoked again
Does clear mex
do what you need?
You can see what shared libraries are loaded by doing:
I had success with unloading a mex file and (the shared library it depended on) by doing
version('-modules') % test.mexa64 and test.so appear
clear test % clear the mex file
version('-modules') % both test.mexa64 and test.so no longer appear.