What is the best multiple file JavaScript / Flash file uploader?

随声附和 提交于 2019-11-27 10:45:34
Kent Brewster

Yahoo's YUI Uploader is your friend.

Dan Esparza

Uploadify is a jQuery / Flash hybrid (if you don't feel like adding in YUI just to handle uploads).


How to implement

SWFUpload is probably the leading "competitor" to that.

Alternatives to SWFUpload:

Plupload seems to be interesting...

It looks like a new entry into this field is 'jQuery file upload':

Wiki / documentation

Demo page

Agile Uploader now supports multiple files as of version 2.0. http://www.shift8creative.com/projects/agile-uploader/index.html

Here's a direct link to a demo: http://www.shift8creative.com/agile-uploader/examples/all_files.php

It allows all types of files and can actually resize images before upload to help save on bandwidth costs and server processing power.

I've used FancyUpload plenty of times and it's absolutely fantastic. The only problem (but this is true for most flash uploaders, I guess) is session handling - if you're using sessions you're going to have to pass along the session ID to the flash file and back again.

digitarald (the author) has a new version of FancyUpload in beta now that works with Flash 10 (something a lot of the other uploaders don't). According to him it should be very simple to upgrade from FancyUpload2 to the new version, once it's released.

Dropzone worked for me for simple drag-and-drop functionality that degrades gracefully. Very easy to set up.
