Using an equivalent of $.when().done() in jQuery 1.4

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-31 01:26:30


I need to do two different JSON requests and combine those requests in one function. I would have liked to use the following construction:

).done(function(data1, data2) {
       someFunction(data1, data2);

Unfortunately, for this project we are using jQuery 1.4 and $.when was introduced since jQuery 1.5. Is there some equivalent for this in jQuery 1.4?

Thanks in advance!


To implement this functionality, I have done an array where each element is a flag that says if that particular getJSON has finished. Also on each success function I check the full array to be completed, if not (well realy allways) I add the obtained json (and some context) to other "array of results". But if all are done, then I execute the final funcion against the "array of results"

