I am trying to get a list of all records that don't exist in a join table.
The models are User, Game and MarkedGame, where users can mark games as played. It's a many to many relationship:
User > MarkedGame < Game
What I want is a list of all games that haven't been marked by the user.
I know that I could do two separate queries and subtract them:
Game.all - current_user.games
But I don't like that this leaves me with an array rather than an Active Record relation object. Plus it seems like there should be a more performant way of doing it.
If there is no Active Record way of handling this, is there perhaps a SQL way? My raw SQL is not particularly strong so any help on that would be appreciated.
That should do it. Returns all games that have not been marked by the current user.
Game.where('id not in (select game_id from marked_games where user_id = ?)', current_user.id)
You can try the following:
Game.where.not(id: MarkedGame.where(user_id: current_user.id).pluck(:game_id))