Echoing previously saved data (excluding those from dropdown values) already works fine for me. I could see correct data saved for a particular record, however, after editing the form, I don't see anything successful after it. The data which were supposedly edited remain the same. Everything I typed to actually edit the echoed values went nowhere.
I currently have this in my controller:
public function edit_job()
$id = $this->uri->segment(3,0);
$data['my_preference'] = $this->array_to_select( $this->job_model->get_all_categories(), 'id','name');
$data['job'] = $this->job_model->get_job($id);
$this->load->view('client/edit_job', $data);
public function edit_job_submit()
if ( '0' != $_POST['id'] )
} else {
redirect('client/manage_jobs?message=Job updated.');
While I have this in my model:
public function edit_job($obj)
$data = array
'title' => $post_obj['title'],
'description' => $post_obj['description'],
'start_date' => date("Y-m-d", strtotime($post_obj['start_date'])),
'category_id' => $post_obj['category_id']
$this->db->where('id', $id);
$this->db->update('job', $data);
i think your problem is with this : redirect('client/manage_jobs?message=Job updated.'); instead use something like $this->load->view('success');
create a view called success and write a message saying success. put it after the update/insert function
Hope this helps
I had to add $id = $obj['id']; to update particular entry attempted to be edited