Trying to convert 1504865618099.00 Unix time into a readable date time. I tried this:
=(UNIX + ("1/1/1970"-"1/1/1900"+1)*86400) / 86400
But it's not working.
To convert the epoch(Unix-Time) to regular time like for the below timestamp
First convert the value with the following function like below
=LEFT(A1,10) & "." & RIGHT(A1,3)
The output will be like below
Now Add the formula like below
Now format the cell like below or required format(Custom format)
m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss.000
Now example time comes like
2/2/2018 13:15:36.206
The three zeros are for milliseconds
=A1/(24*60*60) + DATE(1970;1;1)
should work with seconds. Your time is in milliseconds, so dividing by 1000 gives use the correct date (like =(A1/86400/1000)+25569
Don't forget to set the type to Date
on your output cell. I tried it with this date: 1504865618099
which is equal to 8-09-17 10:13
in case the above does not work for you. for me this did not for some reasons;
the UNIX numbers i am working on are from the Mozilla place.sqlite dates.
to make it work : i splitted the UNIX cells into two cells : one of the first 10 numbers (the date) and the other 4 numbers left (the seconds i believe)
Then i used this formula, =(A1/86400)+25569 where A1 contains the cell with the first 10 number; and it worked