I am currently translating my grid into LESS, but I can't seem to figure out string interpolation.
Here's helper class that is supposed to generate all my columns:
.createColumns (@colNumber+1) {}
.createColumns (@index) when (@index < @colNumber) {
(~".col@{index}") {
width: @baseWidth * @index;
.createColumns (@index + 1);
.createColumns (01);
Problem is, I get error that says something is wrong with this part (~".col@{index}")
Here's the error message:
ParseError: Unrecognised input
in grid.css on line 17, column 4:
16 .createColumns (@index) when (@index < @colNumber) {
17 (~".col@{index}") {
18 width: @baseWidth * @index;
I have checked several examples and all use same syntax, so I'm not sure what I'm missing. This was also one of my tries that resulted in an error:
.createColumns (@index) when (@index < @colNumber) {
@class : "col"@index;
.(@class) {
width: @baseWidth * @index;
.createColumns (@index + 1);
Escaped selector interpolation is deprecated in 1.4.x, use
.col@{index} {
width: @baseWidth * @index;