When running this query SELECT SYSDATE + INTERVAL '7' DAY FROM DUAL;
in a prepareStatement
like this
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("select sysdate + interval ? day from dual" );
ps.setString(1, "7");
It will throw an exception, that the syntax is not good, it clearly is, cuz i'm able to run the same query in sql-developer.
Is this a bug in PreparedStatement
? can i use prepared statements together with interval?
The entire expression INTERVAL '7' DAY
is a literal, you cannot simply replace a part of it with a variable (parameter). Use the function NUMTODSINTERVAL(?,'DAY')
PreparedStatement doesn't work with interval literals, so neither setInt nor setString works! http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/sql_elements003.htm
For that reason if you want to dynamically change the days in your query (with interval literals), the only way is to concatenate that value.
In your example:
int yourDays = 7;
String query ="select sysdate + interval '" + yourDays + "' day from dual ";
Then you can use PreparedStatement if you need to add other parameters and to execute the query.
It will work if you pass an int parameter multiplied by a fixed interval E.g.
select * from foo where (time + ? * INTERVAL '1' DAY) > current_timestamp
You can put days, hours whatever...
and than setInt