I'm trying to figure out, if it is possible send using Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition;
as parameter from UWP to Console application.
For example by following scenario I'm sending TextToSpeech(args.Result.Text);
with args.Result.Text;
value, where using Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis;
text-to-speech pronounces the recognition result each time when args.Result.Text;
appears. textBlock2.Text = args.Result.Text;
also displays result:
private async void ContinuousRecognitionSession_ResultGenerated(
SpeechContinuousRecognitionSession sender, SpeechContinuousRecognitionResultGeneratedEventArgs args)
await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
textBlock1.Text = args.Result.Text;
but if I'm trying to send args.Result.Text;
as parameter to console application, included with UWP in Desktop-Bridge package:
private async void ContinuousRecognitionSession_ResultGenerated(
SpeechContinuousRecognitionSession sender, SpeechContinuousRecognitionResultGeneratedEventArgs args)
await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
textBlock1.Text = args.Result.Text;
to the requested function:
private async void SendTTSResult(string res)
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract", 1, 0))
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["parameters"] = res;
await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync("Parameters");
Behavior of failure looks to me not really clear:
With first recognition result, it sends parameter to console application, which successfully loads, gets and displays this parameter. But with second request the problem backs away from this processing level, even if parameters sending function is unambiguously the cause of a failure SendTTSResult(args.Result.Text);
function does not receives args.Result.Text
but this happens already before function will comes in action, because preceding output display textBlock1.Text = args.Result.Text;
also does not receives event anymore.
With async() =>
behavior is a bit different, it successfully receives event and sends value as parameter to console, in this case it happens 2-3 times from beginning of execution and voice requesting, then event disappears, when it is not even passed through SendTTSResult(string res)
, to imagine that the something in SendTTSResult(string res)
does not allows pass string from recognition, but just stops, even if I put it in the end of TextToSpeech(string text)
function, text to speech also stops receive event:
private async void SendTTSResult(string res)
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async() =>
if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract", 1, 0))
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["parameters"] = res;
await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync("Parameters");
It looks like sending of args.Result.Text
value as parameter with SendTTSResult(string res)
function works fine, sends string successfully, but at the same time presence of this function in ContinuousRecognitionSession_ResultGenerated
somehow affects receiving of event inside of it. At the same time behavior of ContSpeechRecognizer_HypothesisGenerated
looks completely different, args.Hypothesis.Text
event appears each time and result successfully passes as parameter with same SendTTSResult(string res)
What can prevent an event from being executed when the function of sending a parameter is involved in its process, and how to fix it if possible?
Full code of continuous speech recognition added to my question on Windows Dev Center Send speech recognition args.Result as parameter in UWP desktop-bridge package
EDIT 1: **************************************************************************************************
Behind parameter function, Console Connector.exe
only shows parameter without running of any app or anything else:
static void Main(string[] args)
string result = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
int index = result.LastIndexOf("\\");
string rootPath = $"{result.Substring(0, index)}\\..\\";
if (args.Length > 2)
switch (args[2])
case "/parameters":
string parameters = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["parameters"] as string;
Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + parameters);
<uap:Extension Category="windows.appService">
<uap:AppService Name="SampleInteropService" />
<desktop:Extension Category="windows.fullTrustProcess" Executable="Connector\Connector.exe">
<desktop:ParameterGroup GroupId="Parameters" Parameters="/parameters" />
EDIT 2: **************************************************************************************************
I've tried SendTTSResult(SpeechRecogVal);
with change of variable value:
private async void ContinuousRecognitionSession_ResultGenerated(
SpeechContinuousRecognitionSession sender, SpeechContinuousRecognitionResultGeneratedEventArgs args)
await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
SpeechRecogVal = args.Result.Text;
but it is same behavior tbRec.Text = SpeechRecogVal;
shows output successfully until I add SendTTSResult(SpeechRecogVal);
private string _srVal;
public string SpeechRecogVal
return _srVal;
_srVal = value;
void ValueChanged()
tbRec.Text = SpeechRecogVal;
// SendTTSResult(SpeechRecogVal);
So, seems like problem is something between await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
and if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract", 1, 0))
and await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
of private async voidContinuousRecognitionSession_ResultGenerated(SpeechContinuousRecognitionSession sender, SpeechContinuousRecognitionResultGeneratedEventArgs args)
Also, I've tried:
private async void ContinuousRecognitionSession_ResultGenerated(
SpeechContinuousRecognitionSession sender, SpeechContinuousRecognitionResultGeneratedEventArgs args)
await SendTTSResult(args.Result.Text);
as Task:
async Task SendTTSResult(string res)
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract", 1, 0))
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["parameters"] = res;
await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync("Parameters");
And it is also successful only with first request event instance response, then goes quite. So seems like ContinuousRecognitionSession_ResultGenerated
is someway different from other options in Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition Namespace and not compatible with something in async Task SendTTSResult(string res)
or rather with this code lines content:
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["parameters"] = args.Result.Text;
await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync("Parameters");
System.NullReferenceException occurs appservice disconnect scenario, Could you check the apservice's connection before send message?
For explain this, I create sample project that refer Stefanwick blog. And I also reproduce your issue when I does not invoke InitializeAppServiceConnection
method in WPF client. If you want to send text to wpf, you could invoke Connection.SendMessageAsync
method just like below SendMesssage
click envent .
<uap:Extension Category="windows.appService">
<uap:AppService Name="SampleInteropService" />
<desktop:Extension Category="windows.fullTrustProcess" Executable="AlertWindow\AlertWindow.exe" />
<Capability Name="internetClient" />
<rescap:Capability Name="runFullTrust" />
private AppServiceConnection connection = null;
public MainWindow()
private async void InitializeAppServiceConnection()
connection = new AppServiceConnection();
connection.AppServiceName = "SampleInteropService";
connection.PackageFamilyName = Package.Current.Id.FamilyName;
connection.RequestReceived += Connection_RequestReceived;
connection.ServiceClosed += Connection_ServiceClosed;
AppServiceConnectionStatus status = await connection.OpenAsync();
if (status != AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success)
this.IsEnabled = false;
private void Connection_ServiceClosed(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceClosedEventArgs args)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() =>
private async void Connection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args)
// retrive the reg key name from the ValueSet in the request
string key = args.Request.Message["KEY"] as string;
if (key.Length > 0)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() =>
InfoBlock.Text = key;
ValueSet response = new ValueSet();
response.Add("OK", "SEND SUCCESS");
await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(response);
ValueSet response = new ValueSet();
response.Add("ERROR", "INVALID REQUEST");
await args.Request.SendResponseAsync(response);
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ValueSet response = new ValueSet();
response.Add("OK", "AlerWindow Message");
await connection.SendMessageAsync(response);
protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract", 1, 0))
App.AppServiceConnected += MainPage_AppServiceConnected;
App.AppServiceDisconnected += MainPage_AppServiceDisconnected;
await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync();
private async void MainPage_AppServiceDisconnected(object sender, EventArgs e)
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
private void MainPage_AppServiceConnected(object sender, AppServiceTriggerDetails e)
App.Connection.RequestReceived += AppServiceConnection_RequestReceived;
private async void AppServiceConnection_RequestReceived(AppServiceConnection sender, AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs args)
string value = args.Request.Message["OK"] as string;
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
InfoBlock.Text = value;
private async void Reconnect()
if (App.IsForeground)
MessageDialog dlg = new MessageDialog("Connection to desktop process lost. Reconnect?");
UICommand yesCommand = new UICommand("Yes", async (r) =>
await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync();
UICommand noCommand = new UICommand("No", (r) => { });
await dlg.ShowAsync();
private int count = 0;
private async void SendMesssage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ValueSet request = new ValueSet();
request.Add("KEY", $"Test{count}");
AppServiceResponse response = await App.Connection.SendMessageAsync(request);
// display the response key/value pairs
foreach (string value in response.Message.Values)
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
StatusBlock.Text = value;
This is complete code sample.