I have an application that runs a stored procedure which generates the results of a dynamic form.
the same procedure is used for many forms which would then have different columns.
I want to call a stored procedure to run the existing stored procedure and dump the results to a newly created document on the server and return the path to the file.
from the asp classic program side I can then generate a link for download of the report.
Something like the following might have worked on the older sql server version.
EXEC sp_makewebtask
@outputfile = 'E:\NMCMS_DEMO\UploadedMedia\Reports\Form.xls',
@query ='Select max(case when fe.FLabel = ''Account Number'' then [ItemValue] end) as [Account Number] ,max(case when fe.FLabel = ''Cell Number'' then [ItemValue] end) as [Cell Number] ,max(case when fe.FLabel = ''Comment'' then [ItemValue] end) as [Comment] ,max(case when fe.FLabel = ''E-mail Address'' then [ItemValue] end) as [E-mail Address] ,max(case when fe.FLabel = ''Full Name'' then [ItemValue] end) as [Full Name] ,fs.SessionID FROM [FormSubmissions] fs inner join formelements fe on fs.FormID = fe.FID and fe.ID = fs.FormChildID where FormID = 12 and FType<>4 group by fs.SessionID',
@colheaders =1,
@FixedFont=0,@lastupdated=0,@resultstitle='Testing details'
I cannot use my stored procedure with the above approach however.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
-- To update the currently configured value for advanced options.
-- To enable the feature.
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
-- To update the currently configured value for this feature.
create procedure [dbo].[exportSubmissionsReport]
@login varchar(50) ='x',
@password varchar(10) ='y$',
@Server varchar(50) = 'my/instance',
@Database varchar(50) = 'database_DEMO',
@Statement varchar(5000),
@fileName varchar(70) = 'TESD'
declare @query varchar(8000);
set @query = 'sqlps.exe -command "invoke-sqlcmd ';
set @query = @query +@Statement+ ' ';
set @query = @query + ' -ServerInstance '+@Server+' -Username ';
set @query = @query + @login+' -Password '+@password+' -Database '+@Database+' |Export-CSV E:\NMCMS_DEMO\UploadedMedia\Reports\'+@fileName+'.csv"';
execute xp_cmdshell @query