struct FailedTransaction{
OrderNodePtr order;
int failureID;
struct FailedTransaction* next;
struct FailedTransaction* tail;
typedef struct FailedTransaction* FailedTransactionPtr;
struct SuccessfulTransaction{
OrderNodePtr order;
struct SuccessfulTransaction* next;
struct SuccessfulTransaction* tail;
typedef struct SuccessfulTransaction* SuccessfulTransactionPtr;
struct FinalReport{
FailedTransactionPtr failedTransactions;
SuccessfulTransactionPtr successfulTransactions;
struct FinalReport* report = NULL;
This code is declared above main. When accessing
I get undefclared identifier for FailedTransaction and SuccessfulTransaction.
Here is the code that manipulates report
if(report == NULL){
report = malloc(sizeof(struct FinalReport));
report->failedTransactions = NULL;
report->successfulTransactions = NULL;
if(report->successfulTransactions == NULL){
report->successfulTransactions = malloc(sizeof(SuccessfulTransaction));
report->successfulTransactions->order = temp;
report->successfulTransactions->tail = report->successfulTransactions;
report->successfulTransactions->tail->next = malloc(sizeof(SuccessfulTransaction));
report->successfulTransactions->tail->next->order = temp;
report->successfulTransactions->tail = report->successfulTransactions->tail->next;
if(report->failedTransactions == NULL){
report->failedTransactions = malloc(sizeof(FailedTransaction));
report->failedTransactions->order = temp;
report->failedTransactions->tail = report->failedTransactions;
report->failedTransactions->tail->next = malloc(sizeof(FailedTransaction));
report->failedTransactions->tail->next->order = temp;
report->failedTransactions->tail = report->failedTransactions->tail->next;
report->failedTransactions->failureID = outcome;
The errors occur at the first lines after each if statements and else statements.
This is for an assignment and I have been stuck on this for an hour or so (it is due tomorrow night). Can't figure out why it is happening and I can't find anything online. Any help would be appreciated.
This is the header file that contains OrderNodePtr
#ifndef _CONSUMER_
#define _CONSUMER_
struct OrderNode{
char title[250];
int id;
double cost;
char category[250];
struct OrderNode* next;
struct OrderNode* tail;
typedef struct OrderNode* OrderNodePtr;
sizeof(struct FailedTransaction);
Or, make FailedTransaction
a typedef
struct _FailedTransaction;
typedef struct _FailedTransaction FailedTransaction;
struct _FailedTransaction {
OrderNodePtr order;
int failureID;
FailedTransaction* next;
FailedTransaction* tail;
Why does C need "struct" keyword and not C++?