I already tried the brfs
transformation, but I got the following error message:
08 03 2016 16:50:14.894:ERROR [framework.browserify]: bundle error
08 03 2016 16:50:14.894:ERROR [framework.browserify]: Error: tried to statically call { readFile: [Function: readFile], readFileSync: [Function: readFileSync], readdir: [Function: readdir], readdirSync: [Function: readdirSync] } as a function while parsing file
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 7 0.0.0) ERROR
You need to include some adapter that implements __karma__.start method!
when I try to use var fs = require("fs"); console.log(fs.readFileSync)
in my code. Is there a way to use sync fs functions with browserify?
I want to process some non-js files which are served but no included by karma and not preprocessed by browserify. So what I need is glob and read. Any other idea how to process these files? The ideal solution would be to do it with nodejs, but I am not sure how to send the data from nodejs to the browser by using karma.
I did not manage to make the brfs work. I created a simple fs shim instead, which supports the following features:
existsSync(path) -> true/false
readdirSync(path) -> basename[]
statSync(path) -> {isDirectory}
readFileSync(path,"utf8") -> string
It uses path-browserify, so you need to replace the require("path")
dependency if you use it in a non-browserify environment. Be aware that this fs shim uses window.__karma__.files
, to build a directory and file tree, so it won't work without Karma. You can use the same logic if you are able to collect the file paths from browserify. I guess you need to write a browserify plugin for that.
module.exports = (function () {
var path = require("path");
function absolutePath(relativePath) {
return path.resolve(path.normalize(relativePath.split("\\").join("/")));
var KarmaFileSystem = function () {
this.registry = new KarmaPathRegistry();
this.converter = new KarmaUriPathConverter("/base/", "/");
this.reader = new KarmaFileReader(this.converter);
var servedUris = Object.keys(window.__karma__.files);
var servedFiles = this.converter.parseUris(servedUris);
servedFiles.forEach(this.registry.addFile, this.registry);
KarmaFileSystem.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaFileSystem,
workingDirectory: "/",
existsSync: function (path) {
return this.registry.exists(path);
readdirSync: function (path) {
return this.registry.getContent(path);
statSync: function (path) {
return {
isDirectory: function () {
return this.registry.isDirectory(path);
readFileSync: function (file, encoding) {
if (encoding !== "utf8")
throw new Error("This fs.readFileSync() shim does not support other than utf8 encoding.");
if (!this.registry.isFile(file))
throw new Error("File does not exist: " + file);
return this.reader.readFile(file);
var KarmaPathRegistry = function KarmaPathRegistry() {
this.paths = {};
KarmaPathRegistry.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaPathRegistry,
addFile: function (file) {
file = absolutePath(file);
this.paths[file] = KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_FILE;
var parentDirectory = path.dirname(file);
addDirectory: function (directory) {
directory = absolutePath(directory);
this.paths[directory] = KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_DIRECTORY;
var parentDirectory = path.dirname(directory);
if (parentDirectory != directory)
isFile: function (file) {
file = absolutePath(file);
return this.exists(file) && this.paths[file] === KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_FILE;
isDirectory: function (directory) {
directory = absolutePath(directory);
return this.exists(directory) && this.paths[directory] === KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_DIRECTORY;
exists: function (node) {
node = absolutePath(node);
return this.paths.hasOwnProperty(node);
getContent: function (directory) {
if (!this.isDirectory(directory))
throw new Error("Not a directory: " + directory);
directory = absolutePath(directory);
return Object.keys(this.paths).filter(function (node) {
if (node === directory)
return false;
var parentDirectory = path.dirname(node);
return parentDirectory === directory;
}, this).map(function (node) {
return path.basename(node);
KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_FILE = 0;
KarmaPathRegistry.TYPE_DIRECTORY = 1;
var KarmaUriPathConverter = function KarmaUriPathConverter(baseUri, workingDirectory) {
this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
this.workingDirectoryPattern = this.patternFromBase(workingDirectory);
this.baseUri = baseUri;
this.baseUriPattern = this.patternFromBase(baseUri);
KarmaUriPathConverter.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaUriPathConverter,
patternFromBase: function (string, flags) {
var pattern = "^" + string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
return new RegExp(pattern, flags);
parseUris: function (uris) {
return uris.filter(function (uri) {
return this.baseUriPattern.test(uri)
}, this).map(function (uri) {
return uri.replace(this.baseUriPattern, this.workingDirectory);
}, this);
buildUri: function (file) {
file = absolutePath(file);
if (!this.workingDirectoryPattern.test(file))
throw new Error("Path is not in working directory: " + file);
return file.replace(this.workingDirectoryPattern, this.baseUri);
var KarmaFileReader = function KarmaFileReader(converter) {
this.converter = converter;
KarmaFileReader.prototype = {
constructor: KarmaFileReader,
readFile: function (file) {
var uri = this.converter.buildUri(file);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("get", uri, false);
return xhr.responseText;
return new KarmaFileSystem();