I have a property on a custom control I have written that is an Flag based Enum. I created my own custom control to edit it in a way that makes logical sense and called it from my own UITypeEditor. The problem is that Visual Studio generates an error when the value I attempt to store is a combination of the flags it tells me the value is invalid.
public enum TrayModes
SingleUnit = 0x01
, Tray = 0x02
, Poll = 0x04
, Trigger = 0x08
If the value I want to save is SingleUnit | Trigger
the value generated is 9. Which in turn creates the following error:
You have to add [Flags] before your enum declaration
public enum TrayModes
SingleUnit = 0x01
, Tray = 0x02
, Poll = 0x04
, Trigger = 0x08
Consider using HasFlag function to check for setted flags
TrayModes t=TrayModes.SingleUnit|TrayModes.Poll;
//return true
Edit: That's because enum with flags attribute are threated in a different way, as you can see in the example in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.flagsattribute.aspx A To string of enum with and without Flags attribute show how they are different
All possible combinations of values of an Enum without FlagsAttribute:
0 - Black
1 - Red
2 - Green
3 - 3
4 - Blue
5 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 7
8 - 8
All possible combinations of values of an Enum with FlagsAttribute:
0 - Black
1 - Red
2 - Green
3 - Red, Green
4 - Blue
5 - Red, Blue
6 - Green, Blue
7 - Red, Green, Blue
8 - 8
Using the Flags attribute on the enum will prevent the error from happening. This is a mystery to me as storing an ORed enum without the flag is valid and can be done in the code (With a proper cast).