I have feedback collection in that i want to show the username but in the same time in other collection i don't.
My question is on webui.itemlist.columns , here i have edited and added
dc.username like this
webui.itemlist.columns = thumbnail, dc.date.issued(date), dc.title, dc.contributor.author, dc.username
so here is my question, i have two collection one is feedback and another one is working paper , and i dont want to show username column in feedback.but not in working paper is this possible?
You can clone your theme and tune it for the working paper. Then configure xmlui.xconf to use this theme for the working paper collection adding it to the theme list:
<theme name="workingPaper" handle="123456789/1" path="theme1/"/>
<theme name="general" regex=".*" path="theme2/"/>