class overloaded new and delete vs placement new with a bespoke memory class

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-25 00:27:19


I am investigating the pros and cons between using class overloaded news and deletes vs placement news. By this I mean, either declaring every class I may wish to new and delete with their own operator overloads, or by using the memory manager to give me the memory I need via placement new.

I have a memory manager that allows me to allocate memory from a number of pools:

enum MemPool

class MemoryManager
  template <typename T>
  void* Allocate(MemPool pool); 
  void  Remove(MemPool pool, void* ptr);


MemoryManager g_mmgr;

The Allocate is templated since in debug mode I store the name of each allocation (via typeid(T).name()) and I can get the size of each allocation via sizeof(T)

I see myself as having at least 2 options as to how to allocate and am trying to decide which is best in terms of syntactical usage, efficiency, safety and portability.

Option 1 is to have a templated base class with news and deletes, which wraps up the mempool and type nicely for me.

template <typename T, MemPool pool>
class MemPoolUser
  static void* operator new(int size)
    return g_mmgr.Allocate<T>(pool);

  static void operator delete(void* ptr)

I could then ensure that every class that may need newing via the MemoryManager is declared thus:

class MyClass : public MemPoolUser<MyClass, kPool1>


This will allow me to simply do

MyClass* c = new MyClass();
delete c;

and the correct new and delete inside MemPoolUser will be called.

Option 2 is to use placement news:

class MyClass


MyClass* c = new (g_mmgr.Allocate<MyClass>(kPool1)) MyClass();

Any pros and cons to each of these options? Option 1 seems neater, but I have to know the type of mempool I want each class to allocate from, which may depend on other runtime factors.

Option 2 is more flexible but the newing and deleting is syntactically ugly (it could be wrapped in #defines)

So my question is, apart from the above problems mentioned, is there anything else I have failed to consider with these two options and is one more hazardous than the other?


If you MUST do this in the first place (and I expect you do have some pretty decent use-case where which has some specific need for a specific memory pool for these object), I would definitely go for the operator new and operator delete solution. It allows your application-code that uses this to be written with a minimal amount of extra coding above and beyond the typical code.

