I'm building a news website.I need display 48 hours most viewed news, this part is in the detail.html page. Now I'm using this method.
def newsDetailView(request, news_pk):
news = get_object_or_404(News, id=news_pk)
News.objects.filter(id=news_pk).update(pv=F('pv') + 1)
time_period = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=48)
return render(request, "news_detail.html", {
'news': news,
'host_news' : host_news
It works very well, but my question is ,in oder to use cache conveniently,I want to separate the hot_news functions from def newsDetailView.
I have tried :
def hot_news(request):
time_period = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=48)
hot_news =News.objects.filter(add_time__gt=time_period).order_by('-pv')[:7]
return render(request, "news_detail.html", {
'most_viewedh': most_viewedh
However I can't get the data, in detail.html
. I guess the issue is because the url.
the link of the detail.html
from the index.html
<a href="{% url 'news:news_detail' news.pk %}">
is the url of view def newsDetailView
So the url is directly to def newsDetailView and has nothing two do with def hot_news.
What should I do, so that I can render the data from def hot_news to the same page as def newsDetailView does?
So you are correct in saying that beacuse the url you are going to is 'news:news_detail'
that is the only view that is loaded. If you did want to load data from another view you could use ajax to load just the hot_news data and insert that into the page.
Although if all that you want to achieve is caching of hot_news this is not required. You could instead make use of django's low level cache api like this:
from django.core.cache import cache
def newsDetailView(request, news_pk):
news = get_object_or_404(News, id=news_pk)
News.objects.filter(id=news_pk).update(pv=F('pv') + 1)
# Get host_news from the cache
host_news = cache.get('host_news')
# If it was not in the cache, calculate it and set cache value
if not host_news:
time_period = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=48)
# Sets the cache key host_news with a timeout of 3600 seconds (1 hour)
cache.set('host_news', host_news, 3600)
return render(request, "news_detail.html", {
'news': news,
'host_news' : host_news
Docs on the low level cache api are here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/topics/cache/#the-low-level-cache-api
You may also have to look at setting CACHES in your settings.py if you haven't already done so