I am trying to use the Google Maps Javascript Api V3 inside a Angular + browserify app.
I do not use bower.
Previously I was doing that with requirejs, and a plugins on git hub millermedeiros/requirejs-plugins called async.
I was able to load gmaps like this (most of the time, sometimes requirejs was still requireing gmaps too early.
// load gmap as an amd module
define(['config'], function(config){
define('gmaps', ['async!http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&sensor=false&libraries=places&key=' + config['google-map-api-key']],
return window.google.maps;
Browserify is kind of new, I don't see much documentation at this moment, do you guys have any recommendation ?
To include CommonJS incompatible scripts have a look at Browserify-shim transform: