IIS starting Issue“Process W3SVC can't be started on this computer . ” - cant remove Windows components?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-24 21:17:16


I have some strange behaviour trying to starting my IIS 10.

infos about services:
W3C Protokollierungsdienst -> runs, stops after a while
WWW Publishingservice -> cant be started (see screenshot)
Windows Acitvation Service -> cant be started (see screenshot)

on IIS i get the following error if i try to start it: iisstartingscreenshot

i have tried to uninstall all the relevant IIS components over the Windows Feature Panel.
uninstalled it, restared the system, checked the Windows features and component panel, all packages still installed

so here is my issue about, i seems that my stem does not really remove the IIS or WAS Service component.


so i installed the patches from August 2018. but nothing changed - i manually installed kb4343909 - but it did not resolve my issue. i also tried some of the patches which are in the thread (link from @Lex Li) but i did not help either. what can i try furthermore? i'm really stuck on this and have to finish my project... do i really have to rollback all the updates before july? i think its time to swith to linux or so... i'm really disappointed about MS...


i found a solution here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-networking/iis-wont-start-after-upgrade-to-1803-was-fails/0546e24f-6573-4445-b8d5-d17096a5fcfc

in the comments there was a "hack" which actualy worked on my windows 10 64bit machine:

Just delete the registry entry "NanoSetup" with running cmd command. "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WAS\Parameters" /v NanoSetup /f Now you can start the service again.

