I am trying to set up a multi image upload with carrierwave. I am following the question Rails 4 multiple image or file upload using carrierwave and in particular the answer by @prograils https://stackoverflow.com/a/38769726/4779531.
I have an album.rb model and a diapo.rb model.
class Album < ApplicationRecord
has_many :diapos
accepts_nested_attributes_for :diapos, allow_destroy: true
class Diapo < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :album
has_and_belongs_to_many :authors, :join_table => "diapos_authors"
mount_uploader :file_name, DiapoUploader
In my Album controller I have the following attributes:
class Admin::AlbumsController < ApplicationController
def album_params
params.require(:album).permit(:title, :series_id, diapos_attributes: [:id, :album_id, :file_name, :title, :alt, :author_ids, :copyright])
In views/admin/albums/_form.html.erb I have:
<%= f.fields_for :diapos, Diapo.new do |d| %>
<div class='form-data'>
<%= d.label :file_name, class: 'form-label' %>
<%= d.file_field :file_name, multiple: true, name: "album[diapos_attributes][][file_name]", class: 'form-field' %>
<div class='form-data'>
<%= d.label :copyright, class: 'form-label' %>
<%= d.text_field :copyright, name: "album[diapos_attributes][][copyright]", class: 'form-field' %>
<% end %>
My multi-upload works. The images are written to the upload folder as well as their file name to the file_name field and their respective album_id to the album_id field of the diapos table in the database. Multiple records are created, one for each image I selected, but currently the copyright attribute is written only for the last record.
Why does that happen? How can I solve this?
I also would like to add the possibility to select the authors of the images:
<div class='form-data'>
<%= d.label :author, class: 'form-label' %>
<%= d.select(:author_ids, Author.order('surname asc').map{|s| [s. name + ' ' + s.surname, s.id]}, {multiple: true, include_blank: true, name: "album[diapos_attributes][][author_ids]"}, {class: 'select-field-style'}) %>
to the fields_for, but this too does not work and instead throws the error:
Rack::QueryParser::ParameterTypeError - expected Hash (got Array) for param 'diapos_attributes':'
Thank you very much in advance !