I am currently using mt_rand to display a random file from the specified folder each time the page is loaded.
After doing lots of searching i think i need to create an array and then shuffle the array, but not sure how to go about this.
Most of the examples i have found use an array and then echo the results where as i'm trying to include the result.
$fict = glob("spelling/*.php");
$fictional = $fict[mt_rand(0, count($fict) -1)];
include ($fictional);
You can use session cookies to hold a random, non-repeating list of files. Actually, for security, the session cookie should only store a list of indices into an array of files.
For example, suppose we have the following file list in an array:
index file
0 spelling/file1.txt
1 spelling/file2.txt
2 spelling/file3.txt
3 spelling/file4.txt
We can create an array of the indices, e.g. array(0,1,2,3)
, shuffle them to get something like array(3,2,0,1)
, and store that list in the cookie. Then, as we progress through this random list of indices, we get the sequence:
The cookie also stores the current position in this list of indices and when it reaches the end, we reshuffle and start over.
I realize all this may sound a bit confusing so maybe this gorgeous diagram will help:
… or maybe some code:
$fictional = glob("spelling/*.php"); // list of files
$max_index = count($fictional) - 1;
$indices = range( 0, $max_index ); // list of indices into list of files
if (!isset($_SESSION['indices']) || !isset($_SESSION['current'])) {
$_SESSION['indices'] = serialize($indices);
$_SESSION['current'] = 0; // keep track of which index we're on
} else {
$_SESSION['current']++; // increment through the list of indices
// on each reload of the page
// Get the list of indices from the session cookie
$indices = unserialize($_SESSION['indices']);
// When we reach the end of the list of indices,
// reshuffle and start over.
if ($_SESSION['current'] > $max_index) {
$_SESSION['indices'] = serialize($indices);
$_SESSION['current'] = 0;
// Get the current position in the list of indices
$current = $_SESSION['current'];
// Get the index into the list of files
$index = $indices[$current];
// include the pseudo-random, non-repeating file
include( $fictional[$index] );