I'm trying to build and archive my XCode project using following command:
xcodebuild -scheme MyApp -workspace MyApp.xcworkspace clean archive -archivePath build/MyApp
xcodebuild -configuration AdHoc -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath "build/MyApp.xcarchive" -exportPath "build/MyApp.ipa" -exportProvisioningProfile "afe33cd1-5e6c-47a6-a315-bd442e43ad95"
It is building successfully but exporting ipa is failling with following error:
error: no provisioning profile matches 'afe33cd1-5e6c-47a6-a315-bd442e43ad95'
I have tried following as well
-exportProvisioningProfile "afe33cd1-5e6c-47a6-a315-bd442e43ad95.mobileprovision"
I'll appreciate any help in this regard. Thanks
Value of -exportProvisioningProfile should be the exact name of the provision profile in your system, you can copy this exact name from your developer portal also.
Here is how you can fix this:
Step 1)
Find the provisioning profile name:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print Name' /dev/stdin <<< $(security cms
-D -i {placeholder})
Replace the {{placeholder}} with absolute path of provisioning profile with profile name.
/Users/abc/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/49a23630-f766-4892-90f0-d9were00f2fc.mobileprovision)
Step 2)
Build ipa from app file
get the provisioning profile name and replace below {profileName}
replace {archiveFile} with the absolute path of .xcarchive file
replace {pathtosaveipa} with path where you want to save ipa
replace {codesigningName} with the certificate name associated with provisioning profile
execute below after replacing the placeholder with actual value
xcodebuild -exportProvisioningProfile "{profileName}" -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA -archivePath "{archiveFile}" -exportPath "{pathtosaveipa}/app.ipa" CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="{codesigningName}"