Unix timestamp keeps returning Jan 17 1970 in DateTime

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-24 16:33:59


I am using the following method to return a formatted date as say 07:00AM, Apr 12 2016. But I keep getting 01:41PM, Sat, Jan 17 1970. Say for example my timestamp is 1460469600.

Here is my method.

public static String formattedDate(long timestamp) {
    DateTime date = new DateTime(timestamp);
    String formatted= date.toString("hh:mma, EEE, MMM dd yyyy");
    return formatted;


Your timeStamp is wrong. It doesnt represent the correct time in millis. YOur timeStamp refers to 01:41PM, Sat, Jan 17 1970.

You can check what time date the timeinmillis (TimeStamp) refers to from this site.


To get the correct time from unix time stamp just change your DateTime date = new DateTime(timestamp); into

    DateTime date = new DateTime(timestamp*1000);

Because unix time gives timpestamp in seconds and we need millis here.


Query to get timestamp in milliseconds :

select  UNIX_TIMESTAMP(yourtimestamp) *1000  from tablename.

this gives time stamp in milliseconds in mysql

