In an earlier SO question here I have come to a point where I have a noUiSliderInput
that gets it's labels updated to a scientific notation format with the help of javascript
The remaining problem is that the noUiSliderInput
jumps to 10 when the input is 0 and it therefore should jump to 1. (10^0 is 1, not 10). I suspect a problem with Math.pow(10,x) is the cause but I am not sure
The initial problem of the slider jumping to the maximum value has been fixed by changing the javascript
code, which now takes values from shiny
as input for the min, max and value of the slider.
I have changed the code of the app here in the question to represent the current situation.
The behavior is simulated here with the use of a second sliderInput
and numericInput
boxes that causes all three values needed for the noUiSliderInput to cahange
In my real app
the noUiSliderInput
is linked to a plot
, and whatever data column
the user chooses to plot
. So, whatever data the user chooses to plot will require the noUiSliderInput
to update
it's range
. The slider
is also linked to a datatable
with earlier created settings (a datatable of threshold values for some of the columns in the data), and when the user clicks a datatable
entry, it will update
the drop down that selects which data is to be plotted (and thus the noUiSliderInput
), as well as at what height the threshold (noUiSliderInput
) should be based on the value in the datatable
This fires three changes at once, range (i.e. min & max of noUiSliderInput
), as well as value of the noUiSliderInput
I managed to get a dummy app
that simulates this behavior working, except the value
of the noUiSliderInput
gets updated wrong by the current javascript
it seems.
The schematic looks like this roughly
Where you can see that clicking on the table
will send a value to the noUiSliderInput
value, and a parameter name to the parameter selectInput
, which then gets the data, sends it to the plot
, and send the min, max: range
to the noUiSliderInput
It is build this way because the user can also select parameters (columns
) from the selectInput
directly (many of which are not in the table of thresholds)
App so far:
js <- function(Min, Max, Start){
"var slider = document.getElementById('Histoslider').noUiSlider;",
" start: %s,",
" range: {min: %s, max: %s},",
" format: wNumb({",
" encoder: function(x){return parseFloat(Math.pow(10,x));}",
" })",
"var pipsValues = $('.noUi-value');",
sep = "\n"
), Start, Min, Max)
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton(inputId = "UpdateSlider", label = 'Update')
sliderInput("slider2", label = NULL, min = -5, max = 20, value= c(1, 5), step = 1),
numericInput(inputId = 'SlMin', label = 'Min', value = 1, min = -5, max = 20),
numericInput(inputId = 'SlMax', label = 'Max', value = 5, min = -5, max = 20),
numericInput(inputId = 'SlVal', label = 'Val', value = 3, min = -5, max = 20),
h5('Update counter'),
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "updates"),
h5('slider value'),
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = 'ouputval')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
values <- reactiveValues( Counter = 0)
output$TestSliderOut <- renderUI({
inputId = "Histoslider", label = "Slider vertical:",
min = -2, max = 4, step = 0.01,
value = 0, margin = 100,
pips = list(mode="range", density=2),
orientation = "vertical",
width = "300px", height = "300px", direction = "rtl",
behaviour = "tap"
observeEvent(input$slider2, {
## simulates the change of multipe parameters of the slider: min, max, value
newvalue <- (input$slider2[2]-input$slider2[1])/2+input$slider2[1]
updateNumericInput(session, inputId = 'SlMin', value = input$slider2[1])
updateNumericInput(session, inputId = 'SlMax', value = input$slider2[2])
updateNumericInput(session, inputId = 'SlVal', value = newvalue)
updateNoUiSliderInput(session, inputId = 'Histoslider', range = c(input$SlMin, input$SlMax), value = input$SlVal)
shinyjs::delay(1, { ## delay the javascript so that it runs after the slider has updated its values
runjs(js(input$SlMin, input$SlMax, input$SlVal)) })
output$updates <- renderPrint(values$Counter)
output$ouputval <- renderPrint(input$Histoslider)
observeEvent(input$SlMin, { values$nouiMin <- input$SlMin })
observeEvent(input$SlMax, { values$nouiMax <- input$SlMax })
observeEvent(input$SlVal, { values$nouiVal <- input$SlVal })
observeEvent(input$Histoslider, {
print('changing code')
runjs(js(values$nouiMin, values$nouiMax, values$nouiVal)) ## fires ones on first build of the slider
}, once = TRUE)
shinyApp(ui, server)
Hmm that does look strange. It seems to work by using the set
method (set the value of the slider) instead of updating the start
js <- function(Min, Max, Start){
"var slider = document.getElementById('Histoslider').noUiSlider;",
" range: {min: %s, max: %s},",
" format: wNumb({",
" decimals: 2,",
" encoder: function(x){return parseFloat(Math.pow(10,x));}",
" })",
"var pipsValues = $('.noUi-value');",
sep = "\n"
), Min, Max, Start)
Note that the updateNoUiSliderInput
in your code is useless, because the slider is updated by the JS code. So replace
updateNoUiSliderInput(session, inputId = 'Histoslider', range = c(input$SlMin, input$SlMax), value = input$SlVal)
shinyjs::delay(1, { ## delay the javascript so that it runs after the slider has updated its values
runjs(js(input$SlMin, input$SlMax, input$SlVal)) })
observeEvent(list(input$SlMin, input$SlMax, input$SlVal), {
runjs(js(input$SlMin, input$SlMax, input$SlVal))
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)