I made a function that is performing some complex calculations via a for
loop. In order to show progress, the function will print out the current progress via something like message(...)
, and the final outcome of this function is a data frame.
But when I implement this in Shiny, the for
loop counter is printed only in the R console rather than the Shiny document as intended. Is there a way to showing the outputs in the R console in real time during executions?
A very minimal example is here. Notice that in the Shiny interface, the counter is not present.
foo <- function() {
ComplexResult = NULL # vector initiation
for(i in 1:5){
ComplexResult[i] = letters[i]
# At each stage of the for loop, we store some complex calculations
message(paste0("For loop counter is on i = ", i))
# This shows progress of the for loop, also other relevant messages if necessary.
Sys.sleep(0.1) # Comment this out to remove pauses during execution.
ui = fluidPage(
server = function(input,output, session) {
fooOutcome = foo()
output$VeryFinalOutcome = renderDataTable(fooOutcome) # This will only display the function output (i.e. the letters) in Shiny.
My attempt: the capture.output(foo(),type="message")
function did not help. Even though it captured the messages successfully, but it can only be displayed after all execution. And there is a extra issue of not being able to store the actual foo()