I am experimenting with the Code generator. My theory contains a datatype that encodes an invariant:
typedef small = "{x::nat. x < 10}" morphisms to_nat small
by (rule exI[where x = 0], simp)
definition "is_one x ⟷ x = small 1"
Now I want to export code for is_one
. It seems that I first have to set up the data type for the code generator as follows:
code_datatype small
instantiation small :: equal
definition "HOL.equal a b ⟷ to_nat a = to_nat b"
apply default
unfolding equal_small_def
apply (rule to_nat_inject)
lemma [code abstype]: "small (to_nat x) = x" by (rule to_nat_inverse)
And now I am able to define a code equation for is_one
that does not violate the abstraction:
definition [code del]:"small_one = small 1"
declare is_one_def[code del]
lemma [code]: "is_one x ⟷ x = small_one" unfolding is_one_def small_one_def..
lemma [code abstract]: "to_nat small_one = 1"
unfolding small_one_def by (rule small_inverse, simp)
export_code is_one in Haskell file -
Question 1: Can I avoid pulling the definition of small_one
out of is_one
Now I have a compound value of small items:
definition foo :: "small set list" where "foo = [ {small (10-i), small i} . i <- [2,3,4] ]"
In that form, I cannot export code using it (“Abstraction violation in code equation foo...”).
Question 2: How do I define an [code abstract]
lemma for such a value? It seems that the code generator does not accept lemmas of the form map to_nat foo = ...
For types with invariants declared by code_abstract
such as small
, no code equation may contain the abstraction function small
. Consequently, if you want the equality test in is_one
to be expressed on type small
, you have to define a constant for small 1
and prove the corresponding code equation with to_nat
first. This is what you have done. However, it would be easier to use equality on the representation type nat
, i.e., inline the implementation equal_class.equal
; then, you do not need to instantiate equal
for small
lemma is_one_code [code]: "is_one x ⟷ to_nat x = 1"
by(cases x)(simp add: is_one_def small_inject small_inverse)
The lifting
package does most of this for you automatically:
setup_lifting type_definition_small
lift_definition is_one :: "small => bool" is "%x. x = 1" ..
export_code is_one in SML file -
Unfortunately, the code generator does not support compound return types that involve abstract types like in small set list
. As described in Data Refinement in Isabelle/HOL, sect. 3.2, you have to wrap the type small set list
as a type constructor small_set_list
of its own and define foo
with type small_set_list
. The type small_set_list
is then represented as nat set list
with the invariant list_all (%A. ALL x:A. x < 10)
Besides Andreas' explanation and comprehensive solution, I found a work-around that avoids introducing a new type. Assume foo
is not used in many places, say, only in
definition "in_foo x = (∀s ∈ set foo. x ∈ s)"
Trying to export code for in_foo
gives the "Abstraction violation" error. But using program refinement, I can avoid the problematic code:
I use code_thms
to find out how foo
is used and find that it is used as list_all (op ∈ ?x) foo
. Now I rewrite this particular use of foo
without mentioning small
lemma [code_unfold]:
"list_all (op ∈ x) foo ⟷
list_all (op ∈ (to_nat x)) [ {(10-i), i} . i <- [2, 3, 4] ]"
unfolding foo_def by (auto simp add: small_inverse small_inject)
(Had I defined foo
using lift_definition
, the proof after apply transfer
would be even simpler.)
After this transformation, which essentially captures that all members of foo
fulfill the invariant of small
, the code export works as intended:
export_code in_foo in Haskell file -