FactoryGirl: Building an object creates its associated object

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-24 12:49:48


I don't know if this is a bug with FactoryGirl or if it is something i am doing wrong

I have two factory definitions

factory :employee do
  name "name1"
  association :department

factory :department do
  name "department1"

I would expect the following to build both employee and department

FactoryGirl.build(:employee, :name => "employee")

But it builds the employee object and creates department in the database. I am sure it use to work in some older versions of FactoryGirl.

I am using factory_girl version 4.2.0.

How do i make it build the associated objects instead of creating one?


You can use build_stubbed

FactoryGirl.build_stubbed :employee

Then FactoryGirl will build an employee object and a department object in memory. All of the two have fake ids like 1000+, and correctly associated.


Yes, this is the default behaviour for FactoryGirl. However, the documentation shows you that you can specify a build strategy for your association, e.g.:

factory :employee do
  name "name1"
  association :department, strategy: :build

See https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/blob/master/GETTING_STARTED.md#associations


Be careful because build won't save the object, but if the factory has associations it will still make requests to a database. For example, if you defined association in department factory they will be persisted in db. build_stubbed, on the other hand, will create associations via build_stubbed too.

Read more about this topic here

