I'm using Maya and I'm trying to create a 3D sphere of the earth with all countries separated by objects, so I can later export the file to Unity. With this code i create planes that represent the Earth.
I managed to create a plane of the Earth with 2D geojson points of all contries. And now I am trying to project those points to 3D sphere.
With this code I create a plane Earth
d = {"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[
{"type":"Feature","id":"ARE","properties":{"name":"United Arab Emirates"},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[51.579519,24.245497],[51.757441,24.294073],[51.794389,24.019826],[52.577081,24.177439],[53.404007,24.151317],[54.008001,24.121758],[54.693024,24.797892],[55.439025,25.439145],[56.070821,26.055464],[56.261042,25.714606],[56.396847,24.924732],[55.886233,24.920831],[55.804119,24.269604],[55.981214,24.130543],[55.528632,23.933604],[55.525841,23.524869],[55.234489,23.110993],[55.208341,22.70833],[55.006803,22.496948],[52.000733,23.001154],[51.617708,24.014219],[51.579519,24.245497]]]}}
for feat in d.get("features"):
r = []
coords = feat.get("geometry").get("coordinates")
type = feat.get("geometry").get("type")
for coord in coords:
for c in coord:
if type == "MultiPolygon":
r = []
for a in c:
poly = cmds.polyCreateFacet(p=r)
poly = cmds.rename(feat.get("properties").get("name"))
r.append((c[0],c[1], 0))
if not type == "MultiPoligon":
poly = cmds.polyCreateFacet(p=r)
poly = cmds.rename(feat.get("properties").get("name"))
Searching about how to project 2d points onto 3d sphere found:
how map 2d grid points (x,y) onto sphere as 3d points (x,y,z) https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=17522.0
I also looked up for Mercator Projection https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mercator#Elliptical_.28true.29_Mercator_Projection https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection
And I tried...
def range_n(n, min, max):
return ((n - min) / (max - min)) * (1 - 0) + 0
def to_3d_v3(x,y):
# this points are the bounds of the points
x = range_n(x, -180, 180)
y = range_n(y, -85.609038, 42.688247)
phi = y * 2 * math.pi
z = 2 * x -1
rho = math.sqrt(1-z*z)
rho = 20
x = rho * x
y = rho * math.log(math.tan((y + math.pi/2)/2))
return (rho * math.cos(x) * math.cos(y), rho * math.cos(x) * math.sin(y), rho * math.sin(x))
def to_3d_v2(x,y):
x = range_n(x, -180, 180)
y = range_n(y, -85.609038, 42.688247)
z = -1 + 2 * x
phi = 2 * math.pi * y
theta = math.asin(z)
return (math.cos(theta) * math.cos(phi), math.cos(theta) * math.sin(phi), z)
def to_3d(x,y):
x = range_n(x, -180, 180)
y = range_n(y, -85.609038, 42.688247)
z = 2 * x -1
phi = y * x -1
rho = 1
rho = math.sqrt(1-z*z)
return (rho * math.cos(y), rho * math.sin(y), z)
# not a lof of changes
# just filtering all points with to_3d function
for feat in d.get("features"):
r = []
coords = feat.get("geometry").get("coordinates")
type = feat.get("geometry").get("type")
for coord in coords:
for c in coord:
if type == "MultiPolygon":
r = []
for a in c:
poly = cmds.polyCreateFacet(p=r)
poly = cmds.rename(feat.get("properties").get("name"))
#print(feat.get("id"), r)
if not type == "MultiPoligon":
poly = cmds.polyCreateFacet(p=r)
poly = cmds.rename(feat.get("properties").get("name"))
But the result was some weird things like this
Please, any suggestion?
Thank you
Since you're using x and y as longitude and latitude, you should feed them directly into the formula for projecting latitude/longitude to a sphere how map 2d grid points (x,y) onto sphere as 3d points (x,y,z).
Also, since x
is horizontal position, that means x
is longitude. Similarly, y
is vertical position, so y
is latitude. You had them backwards.
def to_3d_v4(x,y):
#convert from degrees to radians
longitude = math.radians(x)
latitude = math.radians(y)
# select a radius:
radius = 10
# project to 3d
return (
rho * math.cos(latitude) * math.cos(longitude),
rho * math.cos(latitude) * math.sin(longitude),
rho * math.sin(latitude)