Cassandra CQL 3.11 - How to use group by?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-24 10:45:51


How to use group by clause in Cassandra 3.11 ? I followed this link - Group by in CQL for Cassandra DB not working

although the answer is accepted but when I created the same table and run the query , it is showing different result (not as expected)

the steps I followed are -

create table hashtags(
id uuid,
texts text,
frequence int,
primary key ((texts), frequence, id))
with clustering order by (frequence desc, id asc);

then inserted some dummy data -

after that run following query -

select texts, sum(frequence) from hashtags group by texts;

and the output is -

Expected output -

 text  | system.sum(frequence)
 hello |                    10
    hi |                     7

