Moya mapper not able to mapObjects from result - Swift 3

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-24 10:41:15


Well Hi, I am using moyamapper I've tried different libraries but I am finding the same issue with all of them I am not able to understand where I am going wrong. Now I have a method which get the result in a moya result and Its fine till her

here I am using pod 'MoyaModelMapper'

func getCategories() {
    let APIProviderClosure = APIHelper.getAPIProvider()
    let provider = MoyaProvider<APIType>(endpointClosure:APIProviderClosure, plugins: [NetworkLoggerPlugin(verbose: true)])
provider.request(APIType.categories()) { (result) in
    if case .success(let response) = result {
      do {

        let repos1 = try [activities.self],fromKey: "data.activities")   //<---ERROR HERE
        let repos = try response.mapString(atKeyPath: "status")   
      } catch MoyaError.jsonMapping(let error) {
        Logger.log(msgTitle: "ERROR-->", msg: error)
      } catch {


I am getting the result here and its fine but when I try to map the result to an object I an getting an error and If I map string a simple status string then it works but with objects it throws Error and I am not able to understand whats wrong here.

I've tried


and many other mapper libraries but I get the same issue. Below is the json I am trying to parse in to object


            "title":"Client Call / Chat"
            "title":"Code Review"
            "title":"FAN Session"
            "title":"Project Review"
            "title":"Sales Follow-up"
            "title":"Scrum Meeting"
            "title":"Study / Self Learning"
            "title":"Tea Break"


And the model to which I want to parse it to is

class Activities: Mappable {
  var id:String?
  var title:String?
  var isProject:String?
  var subCategories:[Activities]?

  //Default Init

  public required init(map: Mapper) throws {
    try id = map.from("id")
    try title = map.from("title")
    try isProject = map.from("is_project")
    try subCategories = map.from("sub_categories")

  func hasSubCategories() -> Bool {
    if((self.subCategories?.count)! > 0){
      return true
      return false

  func getSubCategories() -> [Activities] {
    return self.subCategories!

Thanks in Advance!!!

