Turtle-graphics keypress event not repeating

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-24 09:37:27


The following code behaves differently in different environments.

On my Windows machine (Windows 10, Python 3.6), each keypress creates a response and then nothing happens until I press a key again.

On "Python Trinkets" (https://trinket.io/python) I don't need to repeat the keypress, as holding the key down creates repeat events.

I know that the Trinket version is a JS implementation, but does that explain the difference entirely? Would the program behave the same on Linux or OS?

More importantly, is there a way to make it work on Windows so that holding a key down creates repeat events?

# import the turtle module so we can use all the neat code it contains
import turtle

# Create a variable `tina` that is a Turtle() object. Set shape to 'turtle'
tina = turtle.Turtle()

# Create a variable `screen`, a Screen() object, that will handle keyss
screen = turtle.Screen()

# Define functions for each arrow key
def go_left():

def go_right():

def go_forward():

def go_backward():

# Tell the program which functions go with which keys
screen.onkey(go_left, 'Left')
screen.onkey(go_right, 'Right')
screen.onkey(go_forward, 'Up')
screen.onkey(go_backward, 'Down')

# Tell the screen to listen for key presses


Ok, I've found the solution.

The Trinket (JS) implementation is inaccurate.

Using this code: wn.onkey(go_up, "Up") binds the function to the key-press event in "standard" Python, which means the function is only called once.

To have it repeat while the key is held down, the following is needed:

def move(event):

turtle.getcanvas().bind('<Up>', move)


is there a way to make it work on Windows so that holding a key down creates repeat events?

Key repeat is an operating system function and different systems handle it differently. For example, the keys on my Apple OS X system repeat by default but I can go into System Preferences / Keyboard and change the rate and even turn it off (which I did to test the code below.)

If you don't have key repeat and want to simulate it, here's a simple example of using a turtle timer event to start a key repeating on key down and turn it off on key up:

# import the turtle module so we can use all the neat code it contains
from turtle import Turtle, Screen

KEY_REPEAT_RATE = 20  # in milliseconds

# Create a variable `tina` that is a Turtle() object. Set shape to 'turtle'
tina = Turtle('turtle')

# Create a variable `screen`, a Screen() object, that will handle keys
screen = Screen()

# Define functions for each arrow key
def go_left():
    if repeating:
        screen.ontimer(go_left, KEY_REPEAT_RATE)

def go_right():
    if repeating:
        screen.ontimer(go_right, KEY_REPEAT_RATE)

def go_forward():
    if repeating:
        screen.ontimer(go_forward, KEY_REPEAT_RATE)

def go_backward():
    if repeating:
        screen.ontimer(go_backward, KEY_REPEAT_RATE)

def start_repeat(func):
    global repeating

    repeating = True


def stop_repeat():
    global repeating

    repeating = False

repeating = False

# Tell the program which functions go with which keys
screen.onkeypress(lambda: start_repeat(go_left), 'Left')
screen.onkeyrelease(stop_repeat, 'Left')

screen.onkeypress(lambda: start_repeat(go_right), 'Right')
screen.onkeyrelease(stop_repeat, 'Right')

screen.onkeypress(lambda: start_repeat(go_forward), 'Up')
screen.onkeyrelease(stop_repeat, 'Up')

screen.onkeypress(lambda: start_repeat(go_backward), 'Down')
screen.onkeyrelease(stop_repeat, 'Down')

# Tell the screen to listen for key presses


However, your challenge is to figure out when you need this simulated repeat and when the system already has repeat capability -- having both active will be messy.

