Here is a sample theory:
datatype t1 = A | B t2
and t2 = C | D t1
inductive rel1 and rel2 where
"rel1 A 0"
| "rel2 x n ⟹
rel1 (B x) n"
| "rel2 C 1"
| "rel1 x n ⟹
rel2 (D x) n"
lemma rel1_det:
"rel1 x n ⟹ rel1 x m ⟹ n = m"
apply (induct x, auto)
apply (simp add: rel1.simps)
apply (simp add: rel1.simps)
I'm trying to prove, that rel1
is deterministic. But it seems that I can't use a simple induction. Could you suggest what tactics to use to prove such lemmas?
For mutually dependent types, proofs use mutually dependent induction. So, the lemma is going to have two claims as well:
rel1_det: "rel1 x n ⟹ rel1 x m ⟹ n = (m::nat)" and
rel2_det: "rel2 y p ⟹ rel2 y q ⟹ p = (q::nat)"
apply (induction x and y arbitrary: n m and p q)
apply (simp add: rel1.simps)+
apply (simp add: rel2.simps)+