I have created a code snippet to demonstrate the issue:
Essentially the checkedValues (an array of ids) does not get passed to the ChildComponent when a checkbox is clicked. Unless I send another variable along with it. If you uncomment the cat line @32 in the ParentComponent, it all starts working.
I have noticed that the Apollo HOC around the ChildComponent receives the new value live, but the ChildComponent does not update unless another state change is made.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
You are mutating the state. You should keep the state immutate. Create a new array and then make the changes to that array. So convert
let newArray = this.state.checkedValues;
let newArray = [...this.state.checkedValues];
You need to pass a new array in setState() method in handleChecked() method of Parent Component as shown below (you can use spread operator.)
handleChecked = (e, id) => {
let newArray = this.state.checkedValues;
const i = newArray.indexOf(id);
if (i === -1) newArray.push(id);
else newArray.splice(i, 1);
this.setState({ checkedValues: [...newArray] });
this.setState({ cat: !this.state.cat })
console.log(`State changed to ${this.state.checkedValues}`);