Change model's table name runtime

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-24 06:35:06


I am using Sequelize.js and need to save historical data till specific year and want to separate my tables by year's prefix for example prices_2010, prices_2011 e.g. I can create so

tableName:"company_historical_" + new Date().getFullYear();

for current years table and it will use this name for table, but what if I want to store or query data of 2015 year and want to use models instead of raw queries. So how can I change table of use runtime. something like changeTable() method sequelize.


You should never store any kind of information like years as table names since its data. You should store them as separate table entries, as actual usable data.

Change company_historical_<year> to just company_historical and create a new table called company_historical_years which just has all the possible years the Company Historical entries can have.

Then create a relationship between the Company Historical entry and the related Company Historcal Years entry.

So something like:

var CompanyHistoricalYears = sequelize.define('company_historical_years', {
    year: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER
    classMethods: {
        associate: function (models) {

var CompanyHistorical = sequelize.define('company_historical', {
    classMethods: {
        associate: function (models) {

and then you can query it with:

    where: {
        year: 2011, // or you can use "new Date().getFullYear()"
    include: [CompanyHistorical]

this will give you a single CompanyHistoricalYears entry and all the CompanyHistorical entries that are within that year.

If non of this makes sense then feel free to comment with any questions.

