Clojure + Clojurescript: Macro to read code of current file

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-24 05:57:50


What I've Already Tried

(defmacro magic []
  (slurp *file*))

This works fine in clojure, but not in clojurescript (atleast not with lein figwheel).

Original Question

I need the following to work in both Clojure and Clojurescript. I think a macro is the right solution, but I'm open to other techniques.

I want a way to read the current file as a string. For example,

(ns my-test
  (:require blah))

(def foo 20)

(println (blah/magic))

this should then result in (being printed out)

(ns my-test
  (:require blah))

(def foo 20)

(println (blah/magic))

If I only needed this to work in Clojure, I could do funny things with the current file and reading it at run time. However, I need this also to work in Clojurescript (and I don't want to setup some REST API to serve *.cljs files) -- thus, is there some way to do this at compile time via some macro?


Suppose you wanted to write a "cheating quine" -- how would you do it? Probably something like (println (slurp *file*)). Now, what's the problem? This doesn't work in clojurescript when running under lein figwheel.


You need Reader Conditionals like this:

(defn build-list []
  (list #?@(:clj  [5 6 7 8]
            :cljs [1 2 3 4])))

Please see the docs here:


If you want to modify the currently executing source code, you can always construct a string and use eval:

(eval (read-string "(defn darth [] (println \"I have the ultimate power now...\" ))" ))

;=> I have the ultimate power now...

However, since ClojureScript is compiled, I don't think there is any simple way of finding the source original source code, if that's what you're after.


It's an interesting problem. The closest I've come so are is something like this:

(ns clj.core)

(defmacro fred [& forms]
  (doseq [f forms]
    (println `~f)))

  (+ 1 2)
  (* 2 3)

(defn -main [& args])

with results:

> lein run    
(+ 1 2)
(* 2 3)


Very late to the party here but I had a similar problem and after a day of searching I found the ClojureScript counterpart to *file* to be cljs.analyzer/*cljs-file*.

You also need to be careful to create a macro-only namespace (with nothing but defmacros) for your macro and make that a .clj file. Furthermore, in my experience, that namespace had to be required with the (:require-macros [your-macro-ns]) rather than the normal (:require ...).

So the answer to your question would be


(ns my-macro)

(defmacro compile-time-slurp-self []
  (slurp cljs.analyzer/*cljs-file*))


(ns main
  (:require-macros [my-macro]

(def foo 20)

(println (my-macro/compile-time-slurp-self))

It should be noted that, since slurp needs Clojure, this only works with the Clojure-based ClojureScript compiler, not the new bootstrapped compiler that, itself, runs on ClojureScript. From what I understand the latter is mostly used for browser-based REPLs and dev environments where Java is not available so as long as you're not building your code in the browser you should be fine.

