How do i check if TcpClient is connected?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-24 01:46:13


When my client app closes the socket or even terminates my server still thinks its alive. I even check TcpClient.Connected then i see this. I bolded the important part

true if the Client socket was connected to a remote resource as of the most recent operation; otherwise, false.

How do i know if the socket is closed or not? At the moment I have to do an operation and get an exception to discover if its opened or close


There are so many things that can break communications over a socket, many of which are totally outside your control, best keep it simple.

At the moment you have a perfectly acceptable detection mechanism, dead simple and low cost.

You could do a heart beat, send an I'm here message from the client every X somethings, and then have the server run through and see if there hadn't been one for X * fiddle factor intervals. Uses processor time and bandwidth though.

Another option depends on your client detecting it's no longer connected and requesting a new connection. If you have a unique identifier in the request , you can run through your existing connections for it, kill it, if it's there, and start then continue as normal.

I know exception doesn't feel right, but it's only really a problem if you keep losing the connection, and if you were your efforts would be better directed at sorting that out.

