I am horrible at writing bash scripts, but I'm wondering if it's possible to recursively loop through a directory and rename all the files in there by "1.png", "2.png", etc, but I need it to restart at one for every new folder it enters. Here's script that works but only does it for one directory.
cd ./directory
for fname in *
mv $fname ${cnt}.png
cnt=$(( $cnt + 1 ))
Thanks in advance
EDIT Can anyone actually write this code out? I have no idea how to write bash, and it's very confusing to me
Using find is a great idea. You can use find with the next syntax to find all directories inside your directory and apply your script to found directories:
find /directory -type d -exec youscript.sh {} \;
-type d parameter means you want to find only directories
-exec youscript.sh {} \; starts your script for every found directory and pass it this directory name as a parameter
Use find(1) to get a list of files, and then do whatever you like with that list.