I have a dataframe like as shown below
df = pd.DataFrame({
'time_1' :['2173-04-03 10:00:00','2173-04-03 10:15:00','2173-04-03
10:30:00','2173-04-03 10:45:00','2173-04-03 11:05:00','2173-
04-03 11:15:00'],
'val' :[5,6,5,6,6,6]
I would like to find the total duration of a value appearing in sequence. Below example will help you understand
From the above screenshot, you can see that 6
occurs in sequence from 10:45
to 23:59
whereas other values (it could be any values in real time though) are not in sequence at all.
I did something like this but doesn't give expected output. It cumsums all values
df['time_1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time_1'])
df['seq'] = df['val'] == df['val'].shift(-1)
df['tdiff'] =df.groupby(df.time_1.dt.date).time_1.diff().shift(-1).fillna(s).dt.total_seconds()/3600
df.groupby([df['seq'] == True])['tdiff'].cumsum() # do cumulative sum only when the values are in sequence
How can I do cumulative sum to a group based on a condition?
I expect my output to be like as shown below. You see 13:15
because we don't see any other value in our data for next 13:15
hour from first occurrence of 6
which is at 10:45
(24:00 hr - 10:45
gives 13:15
Test dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'time_1' :['2173-04-03 12:35:00','2173-04-03 12:50:00','2173-04-03
12:59:00','2173-04-03 13:14:00','2173-04-03 13:37:00','2173-04-04
11:30:00','2173-04-05 16:00:00','2173-04-05 22:00:00','2173-04-06
04:00:00','2173-04-06 04:30:00','2173-04-06 08:00:00'],
'val' :[5,5,5,5,10,5,5,8,3,4,6]
IIUC, Try with :
subject_id time_1 val cumsum
1 1 2173-04-03 10:00:00 5 00:15:00
2 1 2173-04-03 10:15:00 6 00:15:00
3 1 2173-04-03 10:30:00 5 00:15:00
4 1 2173-04-03 10:45:00 6 13:15:00
evaluates if values changes every row , and groups same values into a single group.
Based on this group we groupby and get first entry of each group. Then we find diff()
from time_1
and shift 1 place above to align to the top index. fillna with difference from 24 hrs.
1) first you should convert to datetime your column time:
df.time_1 = pd.to_datetime(df.time_1)
2) then you can group by consecutive repetitive values:
df['val_groups'] = (df.val != df.val.shift()).cumsum()
3) also, you need for each group the time till next value:
df['time_till_next_val'] = df.time_1.diff().shift(-1)
4) next will be to group by the consecutive value groups and calculate your consum
cols = ['subject_id', 'time_1', 'val', 'consum']
df_consum = df.groupby(['subject_id', 'val', 'val_groups']).agg(consum=('time_till_next_val', 'sum'), time_1=('time_1', 'first')).reset_index()[cols]
5) calculate for the last group the consum
last_start_time_group = df.time_1.iloc[df.val_groups.eq(df.val_groups.max()).idxmax()]
last_start_time_group = pd.to_timedelta(last_start_time_group.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), unit='d')
last_group_consum = pd.Timedelta(hours=24) - last_start_time_group
df_consum.consum.iloc[-1] = last_group_consum